Monday, December 12, 2011

Je tunajua nini kuhusu Freemasonry?

Kama wakristo tuliookoka, tunatakiwa kuchukua hatua gani?
Nanukuu ‘Freemasons wa Tanzania? Waliojitokeza waziwazi na kujitambulisha ni kina Chande “Andy Chande” ambao ni matajiri wafanyabiashara maarufu. Katika mahojiano aliyofanya na mwandishi Muhiddin Michuzi wa gazeti la Sunday News, Sir Andy Chande alikiri kuwa anao wanachama zaidi ya 3,000 (yeye mwenyewe ni District Grand Master), na kuwa wamekuwa wakishirikiana na Rais Yoweri Museveni, Makamu wa Rais wa Kenya Moody Awori, na Rais Mstaafu Ben Mkapa (hakutaka kutamka wazi kuwa ni wanachama, lakini wapo watu wengine wanaofahamu kuwa hao aliowataja ni wanachama wa hiyo kitu, pamoja na Mzee Mengi). Alitamka kuwa mtu yeyote akishajiunga na freemasonry hawezi kutoka tena, kwa maneno yake “Once a freemason, always a freemason”.
Tazama jibu la Sir Andy Chande alipoulizwa na Muhiddin Michuzi kuhusu yalipo makao makuu ya Freemasons nchini Tanzania: “It is located along Sokoine Drive, just behind the Kilimanjaro Hotel in Dar es Salaam. We have a licence to sell drinks to members; we have also been exempted by the government of Tanzania from registration We have the full blessings of the government. Once that building was about to be taken over for public purpose, but when I sent a memorandum to the State House, we got it back. You know, Mwalimu Julius Nyerere was not a Freemason, but he knew what Freemasonry is”.
 Naomba kwa sasa nitoe maelezo machache katika kutafutatafuta kwangu…
Freemasonry is the oldest and largest world wide fraternity dedicated to the Brotherhood of Man under the Fatherhood of a Supreme Being. Although of a religious nature, Freemasonry is not a religion. It urges its members, however, to be faithful and devoted to their own religious beliefs.
The organization of Freemasonry is based on a system of Grand Lodges, each sovereign within its own territory. There is no central authority governing all Grand Lodges. However, to be acknowledged by others, acceptable traditions, standards and practices must be maintained.
In our Province the governing body is called the Grand Lodge of Ancient Free and Accepted Masons of Canada in the Province of Ontario. It is under the leadership of the Grand Master. He presides over 53,000 Masons who belong to one or more of the 587 lodges in our jurisdiction. Each of these lodges is under the direction of a Worshipful Master.
As a fraternity, Freemasonry provides an opportunity for men to meet and enjoy friendly companionship. In the spirit of helpfulness and brotherly love and guided by strict moral principles it encourages goodwill toward all mankind. Freemasonry is of a personal nature in its private ceremonies. Its ritual dramatizes a philosophy of life based on morality. It promotes self improvement. The tools of operative masons are used to symbolize and teach the basic principles of brotherly love, charity, and truth which Masons are encouraged to practice in their daily lives. Charity is a tangible way in which Masons help those whose circumstances in life fairly warrant it.
Our traditions can be traced directly to the associations of operative masons. They were men of outstanding character and high ideals, who built the cathedrals, abbeys, and castles of the Middle Ages.
With the decline of cathedral building in the 17th Century, many guilds of stonemasons, called “Operative” masons, started to accept into their membership those who were not members of the masons’ craft and called them “Speculative” or “Accepted” masons.
It was in these groups, called lodges, comprised mainly of “Accepted” masons that Freemasonry, as we know it today, had its beginning.
In 1717, four such lodges, which had been meeting regularly in London, united to form the first Grand Lodge of England under the direction of a Grand Master. From that first Grand Lodge, Freemasonry has spread throughout the world. Today, some 150 Grand Lodges have a total membership of approximately four million Masons.
One of Freemasonry’s customs is not to solicit members. However, anyone should feel free to approach any Mason to seek further information about the Craft.
Membership is for men, 21 years of age or older, who meet the qualifications and standards of character and reputation, who are of good moral character, and who believe in the existence of a supreme being.
A man who wants to join a lodge must be recommended for by two members of that lodge. He must understand that his character will be investigated. After approval by the members of that lodge, he will be accepted as an applicant for membership in Freemasonry.
The doors of Freemasonry are open to men who seek harmony with their fellow man, feel the need for self-improvement and wish to participate in making this world a better place to live.
Any man who becomes a Mason is taught a pattern for living – reverence, morality, kindness, honesty, dependability and compassion. He must be prepared to honour his country, uphold its laws and respect those in authority. He must be prepared to maintain honourable relations with others and be willing to share in Masonic activities. Freemasonry is a way of life.
Je wewe ndugu msomaji unajuwa nini maana ya Freemason


Sifa Za Mke Mwema

Kitabu cha mithali 31 kuanzia msitari wa 10 hadi 31 kimeelezea sifa mbalimbali za mke mwema, tuangalie kwa uchache sifa hizo kwa kuzichambua katika maeneo tofauti.
 1. Imani
Mithali 31:26, 29, 30
Mke mwema anayashika na kuyafanyia kazi maneno ya Mungu na ni mtu ambaye anamtumikia Mungu kwa moyo wake wote na akili yake yote. Anatafuta makusudi ya Mungu katika maisha yake na kuyafuata. Zaburi 119;15
 2. Ndoa
Mithali 31:11-12, 23, 28
Mke mwema humuheshimu mume wake na anahakikisha anamtendea mambo mema siku zote za maisha yake. Ni wa kuaminika na msaidizi kwa mume wake. Efeso 5:22-24, 1Petro 3
 3. Malezi
Mithali 31: 26, 28
Mke mwema anawafundisha watoto wake njia za Mungu na pia anawatunza kwa upendo. Huwafundisha kwa hekima na kuwaelekeza njia iwapasayo kuiendea. Mithali 22:6
 4. Huduma
Mithali 31:12-15, 17, 20
Mke mwema anamhudumia mume wake na familia yake yote kwa ukarimu na upendo. Anahakikisha wanapata chakula kilicho bora na chenye afya. Ni mtu mwenye huruma na ukarimu.
 5. Mali
Mithali 31:14, 16, 18
Mke mwema anatafuta kwanza ushauri wa mumewe kabla ya kutumia fedha na pia anafanya manunuzi kwa hekima. Ni muangalifu kununua bidhaa zenye ubora kulingana na mahitaji ya familia yake.Efeso 5:23
 6. Nyumba
Mithali 31:15, 20-22, 27
Mke mwema ni mtu anayeifanya nyumba iwe mahali pa kuishi. Anatengeneza mazingira ya kuvutia kwa familia yake na wageni wote na anawahudumia watu wake wote kwa ukarimu. 1pet 4:9, Ebrania 13:2
 7. Muda
Mithali 31:13, 19, 27
Hutumia muda wake vizuri na kuhakikisha anakamilisha kazi zake za kila siku. Kamwe hapotezi muda katika kufanya mambo ambayo hayampendezi Mungu na yasiyo na faida.
 8. Uzuri / Urembo
Mithali 31:10, 21-22, 24
Ni mrembo na mwenye thamani, ana uzuri wa ndani unatoka kwa Yesu Kristo. Anatumia ubunifu wake na utanashati wake kuleta uzuri katika maisha yake na ya watu wake.
Mungu atusaidie ili maisha yetu yaonyeshe kweli tunamjua na kumwamini yeye.
 Ubarikiwe na Bwana Yesu!

Sifa za Mume mwema

1. Aliyesimama katika imani na tayari kuitetea katika familia:
1 Wakorintho 11:3 Lakini napenda muelewe kwamba Kristo ni kichwa cha kila mwanamume, kama vile mume alivyo kichwa cha mkewe, na Mungu ni kichwa cha Kristo. Waefeso 5:23 Kwa maana mume ni kichwa cha mke kama vile Kristo alivyo kichwa cha kanisa, ambalo ni mwili wake, naye mwe nyewe ni Mwokozi wa kanisa. Ikumbukwe huyu ndiye ana uamuzi wa mwisho katika familia akiamua kuukana ukristo, kurudi nyuma inakuwa na athari kubwa sana katika familia. Hivyo hii ndio nguzo ya ndoa ya Kikristo.
2. Ampende mkewe:Waefeso 5:33 Hata hivyo kila mmoja wenu ampende mkewe kama anavyoipenda nafsi yake. Upendo ni nguzo ya Pili na pia ni moja ya tunda la Roho katika ndoa. Hapa naomba nieleze hii ndoa inayoongelewa ni ya Kikristo hivyo upendo huu hauwezi kuutenga na upendo wa Kristo kwa ujumla, je upendo unaelezwaje katika Biblia:
a. Huleteana heshima Warumi 12:10
Pendaneni ninyi kwa ninyi kwa upendo wa kindugu. Waheshimuni wengine kuliko mnavyojiheshimu wenyewe.
b. Hufadhiliana: Atakupa mahitaji yako bila kujali nani anazalisha zaidi, hatajali cheo au elimu yako. Maana katika ndoa mwingine anaweza panda zaidi ya mwingine lakini sio sababu ya kumwacha kwa kujiona utaonekana duni. (kuwa na kiburi) 1 Wakorintho 13:4-8 4Upendo huvumilia, upendo hufadhili; upendo hauna wivu au majivuno.
c. Hauna ubinafsi; husameheana: Hatatunza makosa yake moyoni atasamehe na kusahau, haujihesabii haki 1 Wakorintho 13:4-8 5 Upendo hauna kiburi na haukosi kuwa na adabu. Upendo hautafuti kujipendeza nafsi; haukasiriki upesi, hauweki orodha ya mabaya.
d. Huonyana: atakwambia kama unakosea na siyo kukuacha upotee na marafiki wabaya 1 Wakorintho 13:4-8 6Upendo haufurahii mabaya, bali hufurahia kweli,
e. Hustahimiliana: hata uwe mgumba, mlemavu, unakasoro gani atakuvumilia. 1 Wakorintho 13:4-8 7Upendo huvumilia yote, huamini yote, hutumaini yote, hustahimili yote,
f. Hauna ukomo au mipaka: Atakupenda hadi kifo sio siku anaamka ‘mimi na wewe basi” 1 Wakorintho 13:4-8 8Upendo hauna mwisho. Lakini penye unabii, utakoma; zikiwepo lugha zitakoma; yakiwepo maarifa yatakwisha.
3. Heshima na huruma:
Heshima humfanya mtu ajione unamjali, wanaume wengine atasema anapenda lakini anamwita mwenzie hajasoma, ametoka familia duni, hafanani na hali yangu, kwakweli huku ni kumdhalilisha mwenzio 1 Petro 3: 7 – 9 7Kadhalika ninyi waume, ishini na wake zenu kwa kuwahurumia, mkitambua ya kuwa wao ni dhaifu na hivyo muwape heshima, kwa maana ninyi ni warithi pamoja nao wa neema ya uzima. Fanyeni hivyo ili sala zenu zisizuiliwe.
4. Amtimizie haja zake za kimwili:1 Korintho 7: 3-5: 3 Mume atimize wajibu wake wa ndoa kwa mkewe; na hali kadhalika mke kwa mumewe. 4Kwa maana mke hatawali mwili wake mwenyewe, bali mume wake ndiye autawalaye. Vivyo hivyo, mume hatawali mwili wake mwenyewe, bali mkewe ndiye anayeutawala. 5Msinyimane, isipokuwa kama mmekubaliana kufanya hivyo kwa muda mfupi ili muwe na nafasi nzuri ya maombi. Lakini baada ya muda huo rudianeni tena shetani asije akapata nafasi ya kuwajaribu kwa sababu ya kushindwa kujizuia.
5. Ajue kulea watoto:Mume ndiye baba pia hivyo asiishie kupenda mke tu watoto hajui wanasoma vipi, wanaishi vipi, anaacha malezi na makuzi yote kwa mama, siku watoto wakiharibika anaanza kumlaumu mama. Watoto wanahitaji wazazi wote wawili ili kukua katika mwenendo mzuri wa maadili ya Kikristo. 1 Timotheo3: 4 4Aweze kuisimamia nyumba yake vizuri akiwafanya watoto wake kuwa wanyenyekevu na wenye heshima katika hali zote. (Hata kama imetajwa kuwa ni sifa ya Askof ila imebainishwa ni moja ya sifa za mume)
6. Aiheshimu ndoa / asiwe mzinzi:Kuna wanaume ambao anaweza kukupatia mahitaji yote muhimu, lakini ni mzinzi tena wala hafichi, hii kwakweli ndio sababu kubwa ya kuvunjika ndoa nyingi sasa hivi. Ulipoapa mbele za Mungu utampenda mwenzio hadi kifo iweje uchangie upendo huu na wengine, hapa ni kama umesema “nilikupenda lakini sasa nimepata mwingine hivyo unamruhusu aondoke katika ndoa yenu” wengine hawaishii hapa anafukuza na kuoa mwingine kabisa. Mwanamke anahitaji kuona kuwa yeye ndiye pekee anayepewa upendo huu na mumewe na sio kuchangia na msururu wa wenza. Waebrania 13:4 Ndoa iheshimiwe na watu wote, na wenye ndoa wawe waaminifu kwa wenzi wao ; maana Mungu atawahukumu wazinzi na waasherati. Mathayo 19:9-11 9Nami nawaambieni, mtu ye yote anayemwacha mkewe, isipokuwa kwa sababu ya uasherati, akaoa mke mwingine, anazini.” [``Na mtu anayemwoa mwanamke aliyepewa talaka pia anazini.'']
7. Anayejitegemea kwa kimawazo na mali:Kuna waume ambao pamoja na umri wa kuoa bado anategemea baba, mama, kaka, dada kwa mahitaji yake na pia hata mawazo afanye nini. Sio vibaya kukaa na ndugu hasa kama ni wema na wanatabia nzuri pia wasioingilia ndoa yako. Na ni vizuri pia kupata ushauri wa waliotuzidi katika mambo mbalimbali unayotaka kufanya lakini isiwe ni kikwazo cha upendo, heshima na uhuru wa ndoa yenu. Mume awe anajitegemea awe mbunifu akimshirikisha mkewe ili pamoja waweze kujitegemea na sio kutegemea wazazi hadi kutawaliwa hapa hata uimara wa Imani yake unaegemea huko anakofadhiliwa.
Marko 10:7 Na kwa sababu hii mume atamwacha baba yake na mama yake na hao wawili, watakuwa mwili mmoja. Hapa ina maana aweze kumtunza mkewe na familia pamoja na kumwezesha, ila wanawake tuwe na kiasi katika kutumia hiki kifungu hususan mavazi yatupasayo: 1 Petro 2: 3 – 6 3Kujipamba kwenu kusiwe kwa nje, yaani: kwa kusuka nywele, kujipamba kwa dhahabu na kuvaa mavazi maridadi. 4Bali kujipamba kwenu kuwe katika utu wa ndani wa moyoni, kwa uzuri usioharibika, wa roho ya upole na utulivu. Uzuri wa namna hii ni wa thamani sana mbele za Mungu. 5Maana ndivyo walivyojipamba wanawake watakatifu wa zamani, waliomtumaini Mungu na kuwa wanyenyekevu kwa waume zao. 1Timotheo 2: 9 – 10: 9Kadhalika, nataka wanawake wajipambe kwa heshima na kwa busara. Mavazi yao yawe nadhifu, si kwa kusuka nywele, kujipamba kwa dhahabu, lulu na mavazi ya gharama kubwa, 10bali kwa matendo mema kama iwapasavyo wanawake wanaokiri kuwa wanamcha Mungu.
Ninaomba wengine zaidi wachangie na kurekebisha maana bado ninajifunza Neno, Mungu mwenye nguvu azidi kutupa roho ya hekima na maarifa katika safari yetu hii.

Friday, December 9, 2011


Friday, December 9, 2011

Rais Dk. Jakaya Kikwete akisalimiana na viongozi wa nchi mbalimbali waliohudhuria katika maadhimisho ya miaka 50 ya uhuru wa Tanzania yanayofanyika kwenye uwanja wa Uhuru jijini Dar es salaam mchana huu hapa akisalimiana na Rais wa Namibia Mhshimiwa Hifikepunye Pohamba. FULLSHANGWE inakumuvuzishia moja kwa moja matukio ya maadhimisho hayo kutoka kwenye uwanja wa Uhuru jijini Dar es salaam ili kukujuza mambo mbalimbali yaliyojiri katika sherehe hizo.
Rais Jakaya Kikwete akielekea Jukwaa kuu mara baada ya kukagua gwaride katika sherehe za miaka 50 ya uhuru wa Tanzania kwenye uwanja wa Uhuru huku akiwa ameongoza na na Mkuu wa Majeshi nchini Jenerari Davis Mwamunyange.
Rais Jakaya Kikwete akikagua vikosi vya ulinzi na usalama wakati wa maadhimisho ya miaka 50 ya uhuru wa Tanzania kikosi hiki ni cha Jeshi la Wananchi wanawake
Rais Jakaya Kikwete akikagua vikosi vya ulinzi na usalama wakati wa maadhimisho ya miaka 50 ya uhuru wa Tanzania kikosi hiki ni cha Jeshi la Wananchi wanaume.
Rais jakaya Kikwete akipokea heshima wakati mizinga ikipigwa na jeshi la wananchi kwa heshima ya Rais.
Hiki ni kikosi cha Jeshi la wananchi wanamaji kikiwa tayari kutoa heshima kwa amiri jeshi mkuu na Rais wa Jamhuri ya muungano wa Tamnzania Dk. Jakaya Kikwete.
Rais Dk. Jakaya Kikwete akipungia mkono wananchi wakati alipowasili kwenye uwanja wa uhuru kwa ajili ya kuongoza sherehe za miaka 50 ya Tanzania.
Msafara wa Rais Dk Jakaya Kikwete ukiwasili kwenye uwanja wa Uhuru tayari kwa kuongoza watanzania katika sherehe za miaka 50 ya Tanzania.
Walinzi wa rais walikuwa kivutio katika sherehe.wakati msafara wa Rais Dk. Jakaya Kikwete ukiwasili katika uwanja wa Uhuru leo.

Do you Know why Jennifer Lopez did that on American Music Awards

Trying to make someone jealous? Jennifer Lopez's new toyboy dancer joins her on stage for raunchy routine at AMAs

If Jennifer Lopez wanted to steal the show at the American Music Award's she certainly succeeded.
There was a stellar line-up of stars at the event including, Christina Aguilera, Justin Bieber, David Guetta and Nicki Minaj, Chris Brown and Katy Perry.
But it was Jennifer's raunchy rendition of On The Floor which proved the hot topic of conversation tonight, which was particularly notable because she took to the stage with new beau Casper Smart.
Scroll down for video....
                    Up close and personal: J-Lo was also seen dancing up to her new man Casper Smart who performed with his top off
Up close and personal: J-Lo was also seen dancing up to her new man Casper Smart who performed with his top offOver the top? Jennifer Lopez stipped off midway through her performance and grinded up to rapper Pitbull on the stage at the AMA's tonight
Over the top? Jennifer Lopez stipped off midway through her performance and grinded up to rapper Pitbull on the stage at the AMA's tonight
Fun: Jennifer seemed to enjoy writhing around the stage with the group of semi-naked men during her performance
Fun: Jennifer seemed to enjoy writhing around the stage with the group of semi-naked men during her performance
She seemed to be trying to make someone jealous as she performed a kinky act that reached its climax when she stuck her famous rear in rapper Pitbull's crotch.
Not only was she dressed in an extremely provocative ensemble which consisted of a sheer catsuit covered in crystals which showed plenty of flesh, but she also was more than happy to grind up against the performer.
Given that Pitbull was later to take to the stage with her estranged husband Marc Anthony her overtly sexual show could have been considered a little inappropriate.
If her performance wasn't enough to make even the most level headed ex jealous she also took to the stage with her new beau Casper, who danced next to her topless.
Still pretty classy: The long flowing gold dress gave no hints to the debauched performance that lay ahead
Still pretty classy: The long flowing gold dress gave no hints to the debauched performance that lay ahead
And it seems the dancer was pleased with their performance and tweeted: 'Just killlllled the show with @JLo at the #AMAs2011!!!!'
Jennifer arrived on stage in a long flowing gown and it appeared she couldn't remember her words.
But it proved to be just an act and she quickly broke out into her famous dance track and whipped off her dres in the process.
The elaborate performance which saw her flung around the stage by performers on stage also included a bizarre spot of promotion for one of her current campaigns.
At one point she was seen jumping into a Fiat 500, a car she is currently promoting in the States.
A sequence was shown which saw her driving through the streets in the vehicle, which leaves her open to obvious criticism she has sold out.
             All change: But she had soon stripped down to skimpy body tights and began to indulge in a provocative dance routine
All change: But she had soon stripped down to skimpy body tights and began to indulge in a provocative dance routine
But that soon changed, and she had soon cast off the dress and was strutting around the stage in a revealing body stocking.
The 42-year-old, who seems to be taking a leaf out of aging pop icon Madonna's book on concert performance, then indulged in a filthy performance where she writhed around the stage with her troupe of dancers.
She was even swinging around with the aid of her backing gang.
Swinger: Perhaps Jennifer Lopez should consider joining the circus after showing off her unexpected acrobatic skills
Swinger: Perhaps Jennifer Lopez should consider joining the circus after showing off her unexpected acrobatic skills
Look out: The audience did not seem too concerned about the acrobat losing his grip of Jennifer
Look out: The audience did not seem too concerned about the acrobat losing his grip of Jennifer

Good advertising: Jennifer drove on to the stage in the Fiat 500 she is currently promoting
Good advertising: Jennifer drove on to the stage in the Fiat 500 she is currently promoting
But she had saved her naughtiest moment for when Cuban-American rapper Pitbull joined her.
As he spat out verses she held onto a staff and provocatively thrust and rubbed her rear in his crotch area.
The bad boy star certainly seemed to enjoy taking part in the performance alongside the Jenny From The Block singer.
The Pitts: The Latino rapper seemed to hold it together remarkably well in the circumstances
The Pitts: The Latino rapper seemed to hold it together remarkably well in the circumstances
Face off: There was a point during the performance where Jennifer looked the rap bad boy in the eyes
Face off: There was a point during the performance where Jennifer looked the rap bad boy in the eyes
Sugar cane: Jennifer looked remarkably sprightly for someone who makes use of a walking stick
Sugar cane: Jennifer looked remarkably sprightly for someone who makes use of a walking stick
Less racy: But there are not many people who will remember the outfit from Jennifer's second performance
Less racy: But there are not many people who will remember the outfit from Jennifer's second performance
Less racy: But there are not many people who will remember the outfit from Jennifer's second performance
Later on she sang again in a far more demure outfit, but there are not many people who will remember that performance
Quite how her estranged husband Marc Anthony felt when he watched the performance is anyone's guess.
But it not seem to be on his mind when he performed with the Florida native soon after.
In fact the pair seemed like the best of chums as they performed together soon after.
Changing clothes: Jennifer wore an elegant black lace number to collect her award and a silver dress to the post-party
Changing clothes: Jennifer wore an elegant black lace number to collect her award and a silver dress to the post-party
Changing clothes: Jennifer wore an elegant black lace number to collect her award and a silver dress to the post-party
Surrounded by beautiful ladies! The Latin performer didn't seem put out by the attractive dancers surrounded
Surrounded by beautiful ladies! The Latin performer didn't seem put out by the attractive dancers surrounded
All is forgiven? Marc Anthony did not seem to bothered by Pitbull's previous theatrics but he could have been keeping calm for the cameras
All is forgiven? Marc Anthony did not seem to bothered by Pitbull's previous theatrics but he could have been keeping calm for the cameras
However the Latin singing sensation's blood could have been secretly boiling, and he did not want to cause a scene in front of the world's media.
In fact Marc seemed more than happy to be performing with Pitbull and was seen patting him on the back as they performed around with scantily clad dancers.
Playing both dies: Pitbull seemed happy to be in the middle performing with Jlo prior to hitting the stage with Marc
Playing both dies: Pitbull seemed happy to be in the middle performing with Jlo prior to hitting the stage with Marc

Read more: http://www.dailymail.co.uk/tvshowbiz/article-2064138/American-Music-Awards-2011-Jennifer-Lopez-Casper-Smart-perform-raunchy-routine.html#ixzz1g16chdtU


This lady never stop to make my definition of beauty and fashion on a high gear. She strikes me differently and from a completely different angle.Here she is when she  stole the spotlight in a blue-and-blonde wig, floral bra, flowy skirt, and ruffled green jacket as she announced the nominations for the 2011 American Music Awards at the JW Marriott in downtown Los Angeles earlier today.Can you feel her?

Jeniffer Lopez ana historia ndefu sana linapokuja suala la mavazi hususani katika awards mbalimbali.Hivi majuzi alifanya kweli…tena.Hiki ni kivazi alichotinga wakati wa American Music Awards hivi karibuni.